Who is Ava Kris Tyson? A Voice for Trans Rights and Acceptance

Her commitment to her son and her community serves as a testament to her character and the positive impact she has made on those around her.

Ava Kris Tyson, formerly known as Chris Tyson, is a prominent figure within the YouTube community and a member of the MrBeast team. She has been open about her journey of transition, sharing her experiences and triumphs with her audience. Despite facing various challenges, Tyson continues to inspire others by sharing her story and advocating for trans rights. Her journey began with a video titled My Transition Story, where she shared her struggles and the emotional turmoil she faced during the transition process.

This video not only helped her connect with her audience but also provided a platform for others to share their own stories and experiences. Tyson’s openness and vulnerability have made her a role model for many, and her dedication to spreading awareness about the trans community has earned her a significant following.

Debunking Misconceptions About Family Breakup

One of the most significant challenges Tyson faces is addressing the misconception that her transition led to the dissolution of her family. Contrary to these claims, she remains an active and dedicated parent to her son, Tucker Tyson, born in 2020. Tyson emphasizes that her unique privileges allow her to be involved in her child’s life more than many other parents. Despite her divorce from Tucker’s mother, Katie, in early 2022, the two maintain a supportive relationship.

Tyson’s commitment to her son and her ability to balance her personal and professional life demonstrate her resilience and dedication as a parent. In fact, she has been open about the challenges she faced during her divorce, stating that it was a difficult but necessary step for her personal growth. Tyson’s dedication to her son and her community serves as a testament to her strength and ability to navigate life’s challenges.

Maintaining a Strong Relationship with Tucker

Tyson often shares moments from her life with her son on social media, showcasing their strong bond. She posts regular updates of their activities together, highlighting their shared experiences and the depth of their connection. These posts provide a clear view of a loving mother-son relationship, dispelling any doubts about the impact of her transition on her family life.

Tyson’s posts often feature her and Tucker engaging in various activities, such as playing games, going on outings, and participating in educational activities. These moments not only showcase their bond but also demonstrate Tyson’s commitment to being an involved and supportive parent. Her dedication to her son is evident in the way she prioritizes their relationship and makes time for them despite her busy schedule.

Embracing Her New Identity as Ava Kris Tyson

Tyson recently confirmed her new name, Ava Kris Tyson, through social media. Standing next to a sign with her name, she shared her excitement about this change with her followers. This marked an important step in her journey of embracing her true identity. Tyson’s journey as a transgender woman has been well-documented on her social media platforms.

She uses her significant influence to raise awareness about the trans experience and share her own journey through hormone therapy. Tyson’s openness about her transition has helped to break down barriers and reduce stigma surrounding the trans community. Her dedication to spreading awareness and promoting acceptance has made her a respected figure within the trans community.

Addressing Criticism and Misconceptions

Tyson has faced criticism from conservative online communities, particularly regarding her transition and its impact on her family. In response to an online critic who accused her of “breaking” up her family, Tyson shared several images of herself with her son, emphasizing her continued involvement in his life and debunking claims of family disruption.

She asserted, Trans people can be healthy co-parents after a divorce just the same as cisgender people. This response came after a user commented on a playful photo comparison Tyson posted, featuring herself and YouTuber Jimmy “MrBeast.” The user wrote, “And in the process, broke up your family. That sucks man. Feel sorry for your son.” Tyson’s response was a powerful reminder that trans people are capable of being loving and responsible parents, regardless of their gender identity.


Tyson’s journey of transition and her experiences as a parent and influencer showcase her resilience and strength. Despite facing misconceptions and challenges, she continues to inspire others by sharing her story and advocating for trans rights. Her commitment to her son and her community serves as a testament to her character and the positive impact she has made on those around her. Tyson’s dedication to spreading awareness and promoting acceptance has made her a respected figure within the trans community, and her influence extends beyond the trans community to inspire others to be more accepting and understanding.

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